

DIY bottle holder

One of the not-so-fun parts of having bottle babies is the 'extra' work that goes into having bottle babies.  The regular feedings and whatnot isn't so fun when you are trying to run a home, a farm and keep some kind of normalcy/routine to your home. 

Beloved is wonderful at helping me with them...when he is home.  He joked with me a few days ago about how he was thinking of putting together a bottle holder for the baby goats.  I smiled, smirked and said wouldn't that be awesome.  Little did I know that just 24 hours later, our goats would be eating from a DIY bottle holder.

(as you can see his beautiful assistant was still in her pajamas)

(and yes...those are travel coffee mugs...and yes, they worked great!)

Just some old travel mugs, wire, an old weather strip and a piece off of an old plastic dog house that the wind previously destroyed and you have a DIY bottle holder for your bottle babies.  Pretty nifty right? 

The real test was to take place that evening.  Would it hold the bottles?  Would they destroy it after one feeding?  For those that don't know...goats, and I am assuming the same is with cattle, when they nurse off their mother they actually hit the udders, rather hard I might add, with their nose.  This then tells their mother to 'let down' and well you know the rest.  Well, bottle babies do the same thing, mainly because it is instinctual.  They will hit the bottle nipple with their nose when you are trying to feed.  I wasn't sure if the cups would stay still or if the bottles would fall out, but I was anxious to see. 

So that night, after milking, measuring and dividing up the milk we were able to test our new bottle holder...

And as you can see, it worked great!  Not only are they happy but so is this mama! 

This man never ceases to amaze me...I am one lucky hippie farmer wife!  :)




trampolines, basketball hoops and being thankful...

This past weekend has been a very busy one for us. 

Saturday was 'disbudding' day for the kids...not fun but a necessity for me.  After the 'disbudding' it was a mad dash back home to shower and get ready for yet again another Young Living essential oil class.  I have come to LOVE these classes.  These classes are given by a local distributor whom is as passionate about natural/holistic healing as I am.  These classes have also given me the opportunity to meet some other like-minded mama's in the is such a blessing.  Praise God!

While at the class, the boys picked up a trampoline that the girls are allowing us to borrow and they spent the afternoon putting it up...

cleaning it off...

and last but definitely not least...jumping.

Moments like this melt my heart.  :) 

And as is par for the course, Sunday was another day filled with work.  Sunday's job was get the hoop up.  Once again the girls pulled through and got us a hoop...for free! 

I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of them actually putting the hoop up, but I did get a few of the aftermath.  As you can see, everyone had a great time...

...even the dogs. 

When beloved and I moved here we knew that we wanted a house in the country.  We wanted land, animals and space.  We wanted the kids and the grand kids to be able to ride four-wheelers, play paintball and run free.  Through commitment, determination and patience all those things we longed for have begun to happen.  Even though there is so much more we want to do on the property, we never lose sight of what He has blessed us with. 

Peace and love to you all