

an answer to prayer, plus a little hard work...

So if you haven't been to my fb page then you might not be aware of this but we just had an answer to prayer the other day.

Hubby and I had been wanting to add to our flock of hens, but just didn't have the finances for it.  We were looking for hens that were already laying, but that weren't too old.  A very dear friend of mine, a fellow hippie farmer up the street knew of a lady wanting to get rid of her current flock due to their decrease in egg production.  With absolutely no hesitation I told her 'YES!'

For those of you who are unaware of this, this is very normal in chickens.  This process is called "molting" and it happens every winter.  The days get shorter and the temperatures get cooler and that is a sign to chickens that it is time to renew their feathers, by loosing the ones they currently have.  It is also very common that during the "molting season" that chickens quit laying eggs.  Some chickens quit completely until molting/winter is over, and some still produce, but very little.  This can be discouraging to a first time chicken owner, such as myself because I like fresh farm eggs and hate to loose them for any amount of time. 

If you notice in nature, all 'living' things need a break, even Mother Earth.  Plants, insects and animals all go through different types of 'changes.'  Whether it be a change in their coat, like with dogs, or dormant like many plants and trees, all of these 'changes' serve a purpose.  The same happens with chickens when they molt.  They get a much needed 'break,' and since I am not one to change the natural cycle of things, I just do what I can to help them during this time.  I up their protein in their diet and make sure they always have clean water, which I do regardless.  During spring and summer they free-range and eat all the bugs they can stuff in their beaks, when winter rolls around the 'bug' population drops, hence the protein in their natural diet drops significantly.  So by making a few 'tweeks,' like sprouted grains to their diet and allowing them to do what it is that they do, naturally, they will be back to their normal, egg-laying selves before we know it. 

So long story short, the 13 hens we just received, for free mind you will require some work, some TLC and some time, but with patience and perseverance I have no doubt that this answer to prayer will be just answer to prayer.  These birds will provide us with protein packed, organic, free-range eggs that not only nourishes our bodies but the bodies of our friends and families. 

Wishing you all a wonderful day and last but not least...

Peace and love to you all!


i give tattler lids two thumbs up!

So I have been wanting to try Tattler Lids for my canning for a while now.  A week or so ago when I was in the local grocery store here in our little town I saw that they started carrying them.  Since I am a big fan of the wide mouth jars, and they had the Tattler Lids for the wide mouth jars, I didn't hesitate to grab a box of 12 ct for $5.99.  Not bad right?  For those of you not lucky enough to grab them up at that price, you can always find them here (affiliate link) too.

Fast forward to a couple weeks later when I finally got around to canning some homemade organic honey sweetened applesauce and viola, good to go!

There was no real "trick" to it other then making sure that the lids were on the jars correctly and that the rings weren't screwed on too tight.  I did have a few that didn't seal properly, but it was due to the lids not being centered on the jar correctly.  I didn't have to reseal them because applesauce doesn't last long in this house, so I just popped them in the fridge, needless to say...they are gone!

So long story short...I love them, I think they are great and most importantly...they are reusable, which makes this Hawaiian hippie farmer, very happy.

Peace and love to you all!


time sure flies...

I can't believe that it has already been over two weeks since my last blog post!  Wow...where did the time go?  I have no idea.

Anyhow, it is winter here in the Midwest and morning chores takes longer...sometimes a lot longer, and this is one of the reasons why...

due to our very cold weather, this farm hippie had to battle frozen water bowls, VERY empty feed troughs and flat tires (not due to the cold), but hey, such is life right?  Right!

Beloved was gone for about a week and a half, which I hated by the way, so that is another reason why chores took longer then normal.  Thankfully he is back, and after some sleep and a few home-cooked meals all is back to normal.

I was also thankful to have a few mornings to myself so that I could enjoy some quiet time.  Just me, some tea or coffee, and a good book...utter bliss.

There are so many other things going on not only here on the farm but just in general. 

But...that will be another post.  Thanks to all of you who comment and "like" these posts on the fb page, it means so very much to me. 

So for now, I am headed to make a nice cup of herbal tea and hopefully get some more reading done.

Until then...peace and love to you all.


diY dishwasher tablets *update*

So I decided to take the plunge and attempt to make my own dishwasher tablets/detergent.  I run my dishwasher ALL THE TIME!  It by far is the hardest working machine we have.  It always pulls through for me and I am so thankful for it. 

My diY-inner being was screaming for me to find something that I could make myself, while saving me money and giving me the peace-of-mind of knowing what was in the product I was using.

After searching the internet for a recipe I settled on this one.

The only changes I made were that I added a little more lemon juice and I also added some lemon essential oil.  I just love the smell of lemon, don't you?

So after I mixed everything up I let them sit out overnight, mainly because I wanted to make sure that they had time to 'set,"  well also because I didn't actually make them until about eleven that evening. 

 Here they are the morning after... took no time at all to 'pop' them out of the mold and put them in my trusty jars.  I have a very unhealthy addiction to jars, if you haven't noticed by now.

So, the real test was would they work and would I like them?  Well...drum roll please...they worked!  They rocked and they smell great and they fit perfectly in my dishwasher detergent door thingy!

Score!  Cross this one off my list! 

Have you made your own dishwasher detergent before?  If so, how were your results?  I would love to hear all about them!.

Peace and love to you all!

after using these for a week or so, I noticed that there was a cloudy film on all my dishes.  I tried adding vinegar to the rinse cycle, but no luck.  I have since then switched to an organic form of dish tablets until I find a recipe that works. 


diY dishwasher tablets...

So tomorrow I plan to try and make some homemade dishwasher detergent tabs.  It shouldn't be too difficult, at least not according to this recipe or this recipe, or even this recipe. 

I recently purchased these (affiliate link) silicone molds from amazon to make my tabs...

...pretty cool right?
I will let you know how it goes, wish me luck!
Peace and love to you all!


diY homeMade lotion bars...

So the other day I ran across this recipe for lotion bars from Katie@wellnessmama

I just recently subscribed to her blog and am so looking forward to receiving her blog posts via email. 

As you can tell, the recipe itself if fairly easy and doesn't take much work.  THANKGOODNESS!

I made these on Wednesday and let them sit overnight.  I tried them last night after my shower and I love them, as does farmkeiki!  They will make great gifts and there is something about homemade products that makes this mama so happy.

I look forward to making more and to adding my own scent blends. 

I can honestly say that we will NOT be going back to the chemical-laden lotions that we have used in the past.  These bars were made with all organic products and very few products at that.

I strongly recommend these bars and I would love to hear about your experience with them.

Peace and love to you all!


when pets are sick..update


as i blogged about previously, one of our dogs had an injury to his ear a little while back if you would like to know more you can read all about that here.

after some much needed rest and some special TLC from his mama I am happy to say that he is back to his ole' self.

he responded very well to the oils especially the thieves and carrier oil blend that i applied.  after a few more applications that day, that evening it looked so much better.  i followed up with the thieves blend the following morning but by mid-day I began applying my trusty calendula infused oil...he responded to that wonderfully.  the next few days I applied the calendula oil and nothing else.  his healing continued and my astonishment to his rapid healing was noticed by all.


I took another look at it yesterday, which would have made it exactly one week since the oils were applied and it is doing great.  he does have one big scab, but it is getting smaller by the day. 

i am so thankful for oils, herbal infusions and the bodies phenomenal ability to heal... 


meet the latest additions to the farm...

say hello to bling, our pregnant Nigerian dwarf doe.  she is very affectionate, she loves to eat and loves to chew...on everything!  she is due sometime in early march...we are so excited!

and this is cookie dough aka cookie.  she is our 'milker.'  she just kidded 3 months ago, hence her milk,  and I plan to breed her again after the first of the year.   

my first time milking her, which was Friday afternoon went rather well. 

no kicking...

no biting...

a little awkwardness for the both of us, but all in all...I was very pleased with the outcome.  2 thick and creamy cups of raw goat milk!  heaven!

the girls are adjusting to life here on the farm, and have already won everyone over.

do you have goats?  if so, which ones and why?


when pets are sick...

So the other day beloved and I noticed that one of our dogs wasn't acting quite right.  We couldn't pinpoint it exactly, but he just acted and looked different.  We did a 'once over' and didn't see anything that stood out nor that explained his odd behavior. 

This morning I noticed him licking the same spot on his paw, over and over.  I took my recently made salve outside, thinking he might need some.  After examining his paw and seeing nothing, I was about to head back inside when low and behold...I noticed his ear hanging 'funny.'  I reached over and pulled it up...OH MY GOODNESS.  he had a huge wound in his ear, but it was so covered with pus and hair, I couldn't figure out EXACTLY what caused the wound. 

after putting on some latex gloves, grabbing my trusty essential oils and a few other natural/holistic remedies I headed back outside. 

I tried my best to clean it, but between the pain it was causing him and all the other animals wanting to 'see' what was going on, I had no choice but to bring him inside.  After some coaxing with some homemade chicken broth (yes I spoil my kids, especially when they are sick) and then 'helping' him inside, I was finally able to get a good look at it.

I will refrain from posting the picture that I took because it is gory gross.  Bleh! 

The keiki insisted on being right in the mix of it all, as you can tell...

but before she headed up for her afternoon nap she made sure he had someone to watch over him.

I think she might be a vet in training don't you?  :)

The rest of the *gang* couldn't quite figure out what was going on, but they sure were curious!

After a few more 'cleanings' of the yucky ear and multiple applications of oils and what-not, he went out for a little bit, but that didn't last long.  His pathetically sad face and droopy eyes stung his mama's heart and I let him back in. 

After some more chicken broth and some much needed water, mama cleaned him up a little more and here he sits, napping and healing...hopefully.

I will keep you all updated.

peace and love to you all...



just looking at this pictures makes my mouth water...I just love me some raw, organic honey.  not only does it taste great, but it has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.  I have even heard of people putting it on cuts and scrapes.  I have yet to do that but I do enjoy a big heaping spoonful now and again.

what natural sweeteners do you feed your family? 


battle wounds, bucks and eSSential oiLs

so it wasn't long before someone got hurt...

at some point in time the boys were rough housing and I *think* that Milo's horn got Sax during one of their many pushing/butting matches.  beloved called me over to their pen yesterday to show me and at the time I tried to get a picture, but getting a picture that of a goat that IS NOT blurry is like trying to get a picture of my daughter sitting just doesn't happen.
fortunately for me, when I went out this afternoon to check their water and the rest of the critters on the farm, I was able to reapply my own blend of essential oils and get a picture. 
the blend itself isn't much...just a few drops of lavender and frankincense mixed with a carrier oil...
(obviously this label was from an earlier batch, I did not use olive oil this time around but grapeseed oil)
but believe me when I tell works!  I had to use it on one of my hens a few months back because she was being 'pecked on' by the others.  after a few applications, some time to heal, and plenty of TLC...she was back with the rest of the hens and doing fine. 

so for those that want to know I think the recipe is something like this...

2-3 drops of lavender
2-3 drops of frankincense
2 T grapeseed oil (though any carrier oil would work I assume, even olive oil, which I have used before with great results)
1oz glass amber bottle with dropper

I measured the carrier oil in first and then added the essential oils.  I am not real big on exact measurements, especially when I am just throwing things together, so if you put in an extra drop or leave an extra drop out, no biggie.

I put a drop on my finger and apply it that way since he like to move so much.  I apply it at least once a day. 

I got the bottles/droppers here and my carrier and essential oils here.  I have used YL essential oils also with great results. 

oh I almost forgot...this picture is of Sax after his second application (day two).  I know you can't tell, but his battle wound already looks better as compared to yesterday.

anyhow, I will keep you updated on Sax's progress but until then...

peace and love to you all!

this blog post is linked with

Homestead Barn Hop
The Clever Chicks Blog Hop
Teach Me Tuesdays


mEET the boyS!

when I told beloved that I wanted goats, this is NOT what I had in mind...

meet Sacks.  a 7 month old pygmy goat who felt the need to yell at his mama (moi) because she wouldn't let him and his brother, Milo, out of their pen.  remember kids, this is what happens when you yell at your get your head stuck!

both of the boys were bottle babies which usually means that wherever you go...they THEY think.  they are typical brothers.  fighting, butting and yelling.  though you can not see it, BOTH are missing their left horn, well it isn't missing per se but whomever tried to disbud them when they were kids...failed...miserably!  so not only do I have two rowdy, unruly bucks...but they are in rut!  PERFECT!!! 

even though I tried to convince beloved that this was not a good idea...I was overruled.  between their living conditions, the owners inability to care for them properly and beloved's connection with animals...I never stood a chance. 

so off we head down the freeway with these two STINKY bucks in our car.  though they were in a big crate, it did nothing to mask their smell.  ugh!

we get them home and that is when the fun begins.  the escaping, the jumping of fences, the running from the donkey and my personal favorite...the jumping on the hood of my car.  it didn't take beloved long to realize that his idea of keeping them in with a hot wire was NOT going to work!!!

after a trip (or two) to menards, a few late nights and some very early mornings...their pen was finished...well finished enough for them to live in.  we still have some finishing touches to do, like a door, but other then that we should be good.

next project...find them some does!





trying to keep this child away from the animals on the farm is virtually impossible.  believe it or not, I don't think the kitten is as miserable as she appears in this least I hope not!

peace and love to you all


*calendula* infusion

Over the weekend I started my first infusion.  A calendula infusion to be exact!

Calendula officinalis, also known as pot marigold or garden marigold, has been used for centuries to heal wounds and skin irritations. Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, antifungal, antiviral, and immunostimulant properties making it useful for disinfecting and treating minor wounds, conjunctivitis, cuts, scrapes, chapped or chafed  skin, bruises, burns, athlete’s foot, acne, yeast infections, bee stings, diaper rashes, and other minor irritations and infections of the skin. Plus, it stimulates the production of collagen at wound sites to help minimize scarring and assist with stretch marks. This versatile botanical can be incorporated into baths, creams, compresses, washes, salves, ointments, massage oils, baths, facial steams, tinctures, and teas. It is also gentle enough to use for babies, children, or animals. Internally, gargling with Calendula infused water may ease a sore throat, sores in the mouth, and inflammations in the mouth and throat.
                                                                                                               The Mountain Rose Blog
                                                                                                                ~daily herbal musings~

It wasn't until I started to learn about herbs, tinctures, salves, infusions and poultices that I realized they were pretty simple to put together. 

Take this infusion for example.  All I did was fill a pint size jar 3/4 full of calendula flowers, then pour olive oil (the preferred oil when making infusions) over the flowers and voila!  Give it a few good shakes and then set it in the sun.  This infusion will have to sit for approximately 2-4 weeks, during that time give it a good shake at least once a day if you remember, if not, no worries.  By all means, let it infuse longer for more potency.  My plan is to let it infuse for a minimum of 4 weeks, but I will most likely let it go for 6! 

I have already made a salve, which I love, and next I plan to make a tincture and even a cough syrup, especially since cold and flu season is right around the corner. 

What herbal remedies have you made lately?

This post is linked with...
The Clever Chicks Blog Hop
Homestead Barn Hop 
Reinventing The Herbal
Natural Living Link Up
Encourage One Another Link Up


LeArN the HERB!

(just a few of my herb books.  most, if not all of them I ordered from amazon.)

Since living on one income can sometimes be very 'trying' I think it is important as wife and mother to find ways to be frugal, but yet still effective.  When building up a farm/homestead like we are, money has a tendency to just VaNish!  I don't really know where it goes, I think it is a magical farm FaiRy that makes constant withdrawals from our very limited funds.  :)

Okay, enough joking around.  Let's get serious with this HerB stuff.

Plants have been around since God created the earth.  It hasn't been until recently that I have truly begun to appreciate their beauty and their purpose.  Herbs/medicinal herbs are all around us, and it is awesome!

Before we had these big pharmaceutical companies pushing every OTC medication at us that they can, how did people treat illnesses or injuries?  Very simply put...herbs, tinctures, poultices and salves.  In biblical times oils and spices were used, as they still are today.

I am a HUGE believer in natural and holistic healing.  I can't say that there isn't a place for Western medicine in our world today, as it has saved many lives, I just think that the more natural/holistic approach is best and should be used first, if possible. 

With that said I wanted to urge you to start learning.  Pick up a book at your local library or your local book store and just start slow.  Pick something you or a loved one might suffer from and research it. 

For example...headaches.  I like to use peppermint essential oil for my headaches.  I drop a few drops in the palm of my hand, rub it in and then cup my hands over my mouth and nose.  I take a few deep breaths through my nose and within seconds my headache is usually gone.  I can't say that it works EVERY SINGLE time, but I would say 98% of the time it does.  Also, it does depend on what your headache is from.  If it is due to lack of water, then drink water.  If it is due to lack of eating...then eat.  I know I am making lite of it, but I have experienced first hand the benefits of a more natural approach and I love it!  I also know that some people swear that by drinking peppermint tea helps with headaches...I have not tried this, but I plan to next time I feel a headache coming on. 

So I encourage you to learn, educate and apply your knowledge.  The more we learn to rely on our natural surrounds for health and better living, the less reliant we are on others.  Not only that, but I can not even begin to explain the sense of accomplishment and freedom one experiences when self-healing is obtained. 

Be warned though...once you begin to educate and apply all this herbal knowledge???  You can't help but tell everyone about it.  It is very addicting!!!  To know that you can heal an aliment with what you have growing in your garden or what you have in your spice cabinet is very you have been warned!  :)

By taking back our health, we take back our life, and that to me is what learning is all about!

Peace and love to you all~

~things i love~

 my dirty farm clothes...

cloth diapers...

this precious face...

the roosting bar in the chicken coop...

these big kids...


this super hot farmer...


her love for the outdoors...

his love and protection for her...

peace and love to you all!


you know you live on a farm when...


though it has been a while, I felt it best to NOT ease back into the blog-o-sphere but to jump right in...with both here ya go!

how do you know when you live on a farm, or just out in the 'ole country??? 

when you find this...

what is that you ask??? is a snake!  a snake that got caught in a glue trap!  not only are they good for spiders and other little critters that try to get into the 'ole farm house, but they are snake catchers too.  sweet!

oh, you want a better shot...well here you go...

what did I tell ya???  pretty gross huh?
well, such is life out here in the sticks.  but no matter how many snakes, spiders or creepy crawly things i find in my glue boards...I still LOVE it out here and wouldn't change a thing! 
the air is cleaner and clearer.  the grass, brom and alfalfa are intoxicating.  the peace and quiet is addictive and the privacy is priceless.  I will die here! 
as I end this post I apologize for those I may have offended with such gross pictures of snakes, spiders and a dirt, but that is how we roll out here in the country...and we wouldn't have it any other way!
peace and love to ya'll!


beauty in the small things...

the other day the keiki and I decided to brave the heat and the mosquitoes to take a ride on daddy's 4-wheeler.  while on our ride mama pulled out her trusty iphone and took a few pics.  if you ever wonder why we live where we live and why we do what we do...maybe some of these pics will help you understand why.
sunset in the Midwest...
shadows and hay bales...

loyal companions...

big boots...little boots...

it is beauty in the small things that bring me such joy.  what brings you joy?

peace and love to you all.


homemade deodorant

I am so excited to try this recipe from kate @  I have used recipes very similar to this in the past and I loved 'em!  I never thought of using citrus essential oils for deodorant before! 

thank you kate for sharing!

 you can find the recipe here!
hope this post finds you all doing well.  I am very excited to post about our vacation and believe me when I tell you...I have loads of pics to share!
peace and love to you all.


making life easier one loaf at a time...

the love for my bread machine grows stronger everyday!  silly statement i know,  but it is so very true. 

meet ken...

just kidding, i did NOT name my bread maker, but i do love it!  i don't care for the loaf size so i usually use it to make my dough.  bread dough, pizza dough, cinnamon rolls and even dinner rolls. 


i dump the ingredients in...put it on the dough cycle...

and within an hour to an hour and a half i have my dough.  all the...ahem...hard work is done for me!  when my machine beeps, i pull it out, prep it and viola!  for example...if i am making pizza for dinner i would add all the ingredients as per my bread machines instructions.  i would select setting number '10' which is the dough setting on my machine.  after it does all the mixing, kneading and rising it will beep to let me know it has finished.  i then pull it out, roll it out onto a preheated pizza stone, add our toppings and then pop it in the oven.  FINISHED!

pretty cool right?  i would do something similar for cinnamon rolls and dinner rolls.  i just follow the recipe and let the machine do most of the work!

so in conclusion, go get a bread machine.  just kidding, well sort of.  i wouldn't buy a brand new machine, if you can help it, but start looking at your local garage sales, goodwill's and consignment shops.  i have heard of some people finding bread machines for $5.  crazy cool right?

i am linking this post with The Barn Hop and Clever Chicks Blog Hop.


galloping, wilty leaves and peeking onions...

this past weekend was gorgeous!

see...didn't i tell you? 

during this very pretty and warm weekend were determined to get a lot done!

beloved added more fencing for the big kids (horse and donkey).  they now have the whole back pasture to graze on.  in the picture above if you look to the left you will see a group of trees, once they are in bloom, they will provide great shade and be a great place for the big kids to hang out in during the hot summer.  the area to the right, in the above picture is the back pasture that they now graze on. 

here is a picture of the fencing beloved worked on, all day saturday.  once the fencing was up and they realized they had more room, they ran and galloped and rolled all over the place.  it was adorable!

on friday after returning from topeka i realized that my broccoli, spinach, lettuce and strawberries were not looking too good. i had been trying to hold off on putting them in the ground because we have had some very cold days here. obviously they had other plans. i saw the droopy leaves and knew i needed to get moving. 


i quickly did my best to draw straight lines in the soil, dig some holes and then drop them in.  it was then that i added some organic compost to the soil.  after a good watering and a night in their new 'home' i came out to see this saturday morning.




needless to say, i was pretty pleased.

and before i end this post i want to update you on my onions.  they are doing good.  they are peeking through and making their grand entrance.  see for yourself!


i know it sounds weird, but i love my growing garden!

i hope this post finds you doing well and i hope you all had a great and productive weekend.

i am linking this post with The Clever Chicks Blog Hop and Homestead Barn Hop.

peace and love to you all!