

time sure flies...

I can't believe that it has already been over two weeks since my last blog post!  Wow...where did the time go?  I have no idea.

Anyhow, it is winter here in the Midwest and morning chores takes longer...sometimes a lot longer, and this is one of the reasons why...

due to our very cold weather, this farm hippie had to battle frozen water bowls, VERY empty feed troughs and flat tires (not due to the cold), but hey, such is life right?  Right!

Beloved was gone for about a week and a half, which I hated by the way, so that is another reason why chores took longer then normal.  Thankfully he is back, and after some sleep and a few home-cooked meals all is back to normal.

I was also thankful to have a few mornings to myself so that I could enjoy some quiet time.  Just me, some tea or coffee, and a good book...utter bliss.

There are so many other things going on not only here on the farm but just in general. 

But...that will be another post.  Thanks to all of you who comment and "like" these posts on the fb page, it means so very much to me. 

So for now, I am headed to make a nice cup of herbal tea and hopefully get some more reading done.

Until then...peace and love to you all.


Marianne said...

The flat tire is the real bummer. The rest we're mentally prepared for, although we don't love it. Kinda like 'we're doin' it, but we aren't (ain't?) diggin' it'. On days like this I'm always thankful there isn't two feet of snow on the ground, too. :o) Many blessings to you and yours, Shelby.

Unknown said...

well thank you. nice to know I have a very close neighbor who is a weird hippie like myself who I can always call in an emergency right? :)